From November 1 to April 30, the Men’s Winter Refuge utilizes volunteers like you to drive the refuge van and to stay overnight with the residents.
2nd annual Refuge Ride set for June 17
The 2nd annual Refuge Ride is set for Saturday, June 17, 2023.
The fundraiser event for the Men's Winter Refuge will once again be hosted by the Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club and will once again be held at Magic City Harley-Davidson, which will be the start/finish site for the ride.
Biker registration begins at 10:30 am and kickstands go up at noon. While the bikers are out on the run, we'll have fun & games for all ages on site at Magic City Harley-Davidson, and it's all ADMISSION FREE!!
> Food trucks and beverages for all ages
> A chance auction for amazing gift baskets
> Local vendors
> Games for all ages
> Inflatables and other activities for kids
> 50/50 raffle
> All proceeds will go to operations of our men's homeless shelter. We hope to see you there!!
MWR receives Otto Bremer Trust grant
The Minot Area Men’s Winter Refuge was recently awarded $60,000 of grant funding from the Otto Bremer Trust for general operations of our men’s homeless shelter and the homeless prevention services that we provide to the Minot area.
The Men’s Winter Refuge is honored to receive this grant award and put it towards many opportunities, such as operational costs, program costs, and improved efficiency. Because money given to the Men’s Winter Refuge always stays local, this will help us continue to make a meaningful impact on Minot and the surrounding communities.
Since our inception in 2013, the Men’s Winter Refuge has provided shelter to more than 1,300 men experiencing homelessness, and we have served thousands of other through our homeless prevention services.
The Otto Bremer Trust is a private charitable trust based in St. Paul, Minn. Created in 1944 by business and community leader Otto Bremer, it is committed to supporting a better quality of life for residents of Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Since its founding, OBT has invested more than $1 billion in people, places, and opportunities in its region.
Your donation can help us be Twice Blessed
November 15 marked the start of the six-week “Twice Blessed” matching grant campaign conducted by the St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation.
The Men’s Winter Refuge has been selected to the $15,000 match level for Twice Blessed, which means if we receive a total of $15,000 in donations between Nov. 15 and Dec. 31, the St. Joseph’s Foundation will DOUBLE IT
Here are two easy ways to donate:
To give online, just click here and go to the “Donate Now” button:https://sjchfnd.com/organizations/mens-refuge/
To give by check, click here for a printable donation form to send with your check:https://sjchfnd.com/organizations/mens-refuge/
Our executive director Mike Zimmer will also gladly mail you a donation form, or come to you to pick up a check. Just give Mike a call at 701-822-2585.
Thank you so much to our generous donors and to the St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation for their wonderful support of Minot area non-profit organizations through the Twice Blessed!
The efforts of many help MWR remain strong through the pandemic
This past year has been a challenge for all of us, including our men’s homeless shelter.
The cooperation, generosity and resilience of our staff, board members, volunteers, donors and community partners that has enabled the Men's Winter Refuge to continue all of our services throughout the pandemic is truly remarkable.
We continue to move full-steam ahead -- providing shelter for more than 100 homeless individuals in the past year -- and we continue to serve dozens of others in the community each month through our supplemental services.
THANK YOU to all those who have helped the Men’s Winter Refuge continue the work that we love!!
Check out our MWR newsletter
The Men's Winter Refuge publishes a bi-monthly newsletter to keep you updated on what's happening at our men's homeless shelter.
Each issue contains news about the shelter and a profile of one of our amazing board members or volunteers.
All of our newsletters can be viewed on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/menswinterrefuge
MWR to host 5K run/walk fundraiser Oct. 31
Join us for the inaugural Men's Winter Refuge Halloween 5K run/walk on Saturday, Oct. 31 at the Berry Acres pumpkin patch!
All Ages Welcome! 5K Run/Walk; Pre Online Registration Available; Race Day Registration 10:00 AM; $40.00 includes t-shirt and admission to the pumpkin patch for the day; Prizes for top finishers and costumes
Race will begin @ 11 AM, which is also opening time for Berry Acres.
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1293399591000400/
Your year-end gift to MWR can be doubled with Twice Blessed !!
The Men's Winter Refuge is once again thrilled to be chosen to participate in the Twice Blessed matching grant campaign through the St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation.
Through this amazing program, St. Joseph's will DOUBLE all of the donations we receive between Nov. 15 and Dec. 31, up to a cumulative total of $10,000.
To give online with a debit/credit card, simply visit http://sjchfnd.com/organizations/mens-refuge/ anytime between Nov. 15 and Dec. 31 and click on the “Donate” button under the Men's Winter Refuge description.
If you prefer to give with a check, simply call our executive director Mike Zimmer at 701-822-2585, and Mike will be glad to get a mail-in form to you and pick up the check.
Thank you so much for your support of our men's homeless shelter!! :) ❤️
KMOT story on Men's Winter Refuge
Giving Hearts Day 2021 is Feb. 11
Giving Hearts Day 2021 is fast approaching.
To make your online gift to the Men's Winter Refuge, visit givingheartsday.org and schedule your gift to be received by us on Giving Hearts Day.
Simply go to www.givingheartsday.org and in the main article on the home page, click on "Schedule A Gift" (this feature may not be available before January). Once you've searched the list of charities for Men's Winter Refuge and input your donation information, on the Checkout page will be an option to "Schedule Your Gift for Giving Hearts Day."
Clicking on this will ensure that the Men's Winter Refuge will receive your donation on Feb. 11 and will count toward our $10,000 goal.
Last year we surpassed our $10,000 goal by just over $3,000, and we'd love to reach even higher this year! Thank you for your support!!
KMOT story on Men's Winter Refuge
Minot Daily News story on Men's Winter Refuge
See the story here:
KXMC story on Men's Winter Refuge
Need a ride to the food pantry?
The Men's Winter Refuge donates its bus and volunteer drivers every Wednesday to transport individuals from Milton Young Tower and Henry Tower to the Lord's Cupboard food pantry.
Our driver stops at Milton Young at 12:30 pm and Henry at approximately 12:40 to pick up ID's. A box of food is then brought back shortly after 1 pm for each ID that is collected.
If you know of anyone that can benefit from this free year-round service, please spread the word. For more information, call Men's Winter Refuge executive director Mike Zimmer at 701-822-2585.
Like us on Facebook
Current news about the Men's Winter Refuge can be found on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/menswinterrefuge/
Become a Facebook friend of the MWR today and share our mission with your friends.
Donate a meal
Thank you so much to all those who have donated meals to the Men’s Winter Refuge this season. Our residents have been blessed to receive everything from pizza to hot dishes to soup & sandwiches to pasta dishes to chili, and we are incredibly appreciative. If your family, organization or group of friends is interested in donating a meal any night from November thru April, call Men's Winter Refuge executive director Mike Zimmer at 701-822-2585. Meals can be delivered or we can pick them up.